Have you ever spent hours and hours of time trying to make a decision? I for sure have and I'm pretty much sure that most of us have. The fear of not knowing what may happen, the fear of not having made the right decision, the fear of failure, the fear of what if the decision that we did not take is the right and better decision keeps us in this state of limbo and chaos. Have you ever noted how your energy is when you are in this state of inaction ? For me, I am drained, drained of time and energy. I spend hours asking people what they would do, googling, etc. I forget to see that what may be right for others may not be for me. There are really no wrong decisions. Even after you did decide to go on a certain path, and after a bit realize that it wasn't for you, you can now work your way forward accordingly. There is nothing in the rules that says that you cannot change your decision once you have made it. Either ways you are still moving forward, whether you decided to stay on the path you took initially, or change to another one in the event that the one prior wasn't for you. I am not saying that you should take a decision without doing your groundwork, but give yourself a deadline and go with it.