This is Mike. He is retired from the Special Forces. He served in Afghanistan and was the bad guy per him. He was the one who was called upon to punish people. When I asked him if he believed in the war, he mentioned that he believed in his job. But kindness goes a longer way than anger, he says. He enjoyed helping the villagers in Afghanistan more than anything else. Since being retired he devotes his time to volunteering in the elementary school and the hospital. He remembers a time when a young girl at the elementary school came and unruffled his messed up hair, and the teacher was surprised that he being such a big, strong guy had let the girl do that. When he says that, I notice sadness in his eyes. He says that many people think that folks who work in the military are like emotionless robots. The war taught him not to fret over the small stuff, but this is one thing that bothers him, and he hopes that people would understand that military people are like any other human and have emotions just like them.
